What is Life asking of Nigerians? FIND AN EXCUSE TO THANK GOD (Sunday Nuggets)…

…….It has being so hot, so warm, so humid. I don’t know if I should really be telling you this, but, mehnn, I visited the bathroom on 4 different occasions yesterday, each time to cool myself with a shower. It has being that hot.

But, I thank God though for his mercies.

Whilst I am one of those busy battling with the heat, many in Chile or Haiti are battling with another form of natural phenomenon. Turkey is the latest to experience earth quake with as many as 57 people killed as at the moment (CNN breaking news).


I said it once, but it’s not worth harbouring the thought of a Tsunami on the Chile scale hitting Nigeria. The Redeemed Christian Church of God had their monthly retreat, I wasn’t in attendance, if I may say so, but for the few that went, it was recalled that “Daddy G.O” as the General Overseer, Pastor Adeboye is fondly referred, has asked Nigerians to pray against Natural disasters. That was not good music to many peoples’ ears, especially as that utterance was made by Pastor Adeboye.

Pastor Adeboye, a man of God I truly appreciate does not utter words carelessly. He is a man of few words in actual fact, and when he says Nigerians should pray against something, it should not be taken lightly, not that I am fanning an illusionary fire. It just should not be taken lightly. Period. Enough said.


Massacred Jos (Photo- 234NEXT.com)

There is so much happening in the world at this point in our existence. As the world is experiencing natural disasters, Nigeria is experiencing self inflicted disasters. The latest massacre in Jos attests to this observation. I got to hear of this news item late at night, only to be told that CNN had broken the news much earlier. For those of you reading this piece, let it be known that NIGERIA IS NOT ON FIRE, neither are we at war. What is happening to Jos is a deadly ethno-religious strife that has engulfed “Tin City”, hitherto known as one of the most peaceful and tourism cities in Nigeria, is now almost known by the younger generation as a massacre city. What a shame.

According to a report by THISDAY ONLINE, most people would trace the genesis of the problems to the April 12, 1994 riots that all but tore the Plateau State capital apart, some believe the genesis lies in the 1991 creation of Jos North Local Government Area by military President Ibrahim Babangida.

One thing that is certain, however, is that the reasons for the present crisis are traceable to the January 2010 riots. These are themselves traceable to the 2008, 2001 and 1994 riots. And, the underlying reason for all ‘the reasons’ “that may be given is that Jos is in the lethal grip of desperate ‘power mongers” who are bent on seizing control of the political future of the city.

These “power mongers” hide under religion and ethnicity to kill and maim fellow Nigerians. And, as usual with such scenarios, they have ready tools in the army of hungry and frustrated citizens living in the slums of the city. They also have co-conspirators in high places as well as in all segments of society who see what is happening as a war between “us and them.”

So there you have it, some politicians are benefitting from these atrocities. While all this is happening, many are still busy trying to spot the missing President. It’s 13 or 14 days now and still, apart from his wife Turai and some die hard loyalists, no one can say for certain that this man is in town. Can you just believe that? Is Yar’Adua really in town? Has anyone aside his wife seen him?

At church yesterday, a more pertinent question was asked of us. What is life asking you? What is your wallet asking you? What is your passion asking you? What are your dreams asking of you?

Without realising this, certain questions left unanswered are key to our very existence here on mother earth. Esther, in Esther 5:3, was asked a question by the King. A very important one at that. If Esther had replied with a wrong answer, or if she had not believed that it could ever be, or if her demeanour at that moment was nothing but positive, the story of Esther would have been different.

So I ask again, what question is life asking you at this moment? Be very careful of the answer you give for it may have a lingering effect on your future.


Pastor Emeka Nwankwo in a short “word” asked us all to live a life of a giver. I know, right now, many shoulders have dropped with the “here we go again gasp of fresh breath”. You know what, he went on to add that giving is not only about money (and I wanted to know exactly what he meant by that as I know you do right now). Giving, he said, goes beyond money. What can you give God? he asked. And when you really think about it, the God that I worship (I don’t know about you), is a God that cannot be impeached. So really, he doesn’t need any favours from none of us.

What we can give him, however, as Pastor Emeka went on to say, is our praise and guess what, it is FREE. Praise, which is free is the highest form of giving. Thanks giving always provoke the hand of God. Once you thank him, you are provoking him to do more. And moreover, it is FREE, for crying out loud.

His next statement catapulted my understanding of giving praises to God to the next level. He declared, “FIND AN EXCUSE TO THANK GOD”. What?

Read that again, that you and I must find an excuse to thank God.


David, the most notorious of them all was recorded to be a man after God’s heart. Have you bothered to ask why?

IT IS BECAUSE (I am screaming here to make my point, I hope you can hear me) DAVID WAS ALWAYS THANKING, PRAISING AND DANCING TO HONOUR GOD. So while you focus on this problem and that problem, I will, from now onwards focus on thanking him for waking me up in the morning, I will thank him for good health, I will dance to him in the morning because I have got legs and feet to walk (remember, all these are excuses, right, but in the process, I am thanking God). Guys, thank him more. How do you think President Yar’Adua would love to be in your shoes right now? It was when Job (in the bible) ignored his friends and spent time thanking God, only then did his situation take a u-turn. Correct? Guys, let us all key into this biblical principle. I will.


Endurance Idahor (Photo:234NEXT.com)

It was so sad to hear on the radio of the death of a young Nigerian footballer, Endurance Idahor, a prolific scorer foe El Merreikh, a Sudanese club who died of an apparent heart attack on Saturday in a league match against Al-Amal. The 23 year old footballer slumped inside the box after only 15 minutes of action and was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. Now, as we speak, his family members would be in mourning. A 23 year old footballer? Heart attack?


Mo'Nique in PRECIOUS (Photo:Oscar.com)

The Oscars almost did not register on my radar considering all that is happening around the world. But, it was good to see that another black actress, Mo’Nique was rewarded for her role in a support role category in the film Precious. I am yet to see it, but I guess, it must have been a performance of a life time. Neither have I seen Sandra Bullock’s American football drama The Blind Side. I like Sandra Bullock, there is just something endearing about her to me.

Oscar winner Sandra Bullock (Photo: Dailymail.co.uk)

Still on the Oscars, how about Hurt Locker, $11million film budget,winning double the awards of the $300million Avatar. Pitching, Avatar’s director James Cameron against ex-wife, Kathryn Bigelow, making her the first woman to win an Academy Award for best director. How about that for revenge?

James Cameron in a playful mood with victorious ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow

Congratulations to all, hoping one day, this shore of the planet would have a representation, even, if it were in the foreign film category. But, to tell you the truth, we have generations to go, judging by the limited number of Nollywood films currently on display, with exception for a very few.


Dede Interviewed (Photo: KingsleyOgoro.com)

Tomorrow, I hope to tell you of my encounter with the talented and enigmatic performer, the ever so truthful Idols West Africa Judge, DEDE “ONKOOL” MABIAKU.

Till then, God bless you all and Jide Salu thanks you for stopping by.