The JOS mass Killings, that CNN’s BackStory Report, Ken Davidson’s FB comments and all the “jingoism”…..

Where do I start?

Where exactly do I start from?

The internet is abuzz with comments of varying magnitude. From one verb and adjective to another. Emotions are on the rise from Nigerians all over the world. The world is in sympathy. CNN, as usual have reported, so there is no hiding the fact that there has been a mass killing.

I am not going to focus on the skewed report for now, but on the event (the Jos slaughter) that was reported.

Ken Davidson, an FB pal tagged me and I responded with my comment which has been posted below:

JOS: Mass Grave

As much as it hurts me to see what is happening in Nigeria at this time, my firm believe is that, as it is getting worse, so is the window of opportunities to get it right are opening before us. The scary bit is this. Can we actually see this opening window of opportunity to get it right? Can we?

Yes, I know, when will we ever get it right?

But the day, you lose hope, is the day, the countdown to your early grave commences. I for one never lose hope. He Bill Gates of this world, the Richard Branson, the Wright Brothers, Obama all had a large dose of hope to live in. Ghana had hope that one day, they would celebrate an uninterrupted supply of electricity for a year. Oh yes, they must have dreamt it. Some must have, without that singular hope, it would never had been possible.

So why is it hip and fashionable to mix evil with misplaced hope when it comes to the matter concerning Nigeria?

Pain - Photo: courtesy of CNN

How on earth do we ever hope to see a better Nigeria when all we write and say are evil stuff?

Now I can see myself attracting comments that I am not facing REALITY. Really?


Mine or yours?

I am saying that it will get better. It is getting better. And It WILL and MUST get better.

However, it will not get better in isolation. We all must sing from the same hymn sheet. We all must believe that we are responsible for where we are as a nation today.

If truth be told, we are a selfish bunch of “so and so”.

Digressing for a minute…only yesterday, along my local street, a street party (mind you it’s now illegal) was taking place. Forget that it was on a Tuesday, this is Nigeria mennnh, where enjoyment is the order of the day. Anyway, on this particularly narrow road, where the detour led us, there was an oncoming vehicle that got onto the road, the beginning of the road to him, almost the end to me (you get my drift), if there was an opportunity for me to manoeuvre to make way for this vehicle, I would have, it would not take me 30 seconds, in fact, I still tried to. The driver in the blacked out 4 X4 vehicle did not make any attempt to move. He simply stopped, knowing fully well that he could have reversed as there was no vehicle behind him to make way for me. But no, he did nothing.

I took it upon myself to reverse back to the top of the road, with this on coming blacked out vehicle driving towards me, advancing in the process. To make matters worse, by the time I had reversed to the end of the road, there was a road block. What else could I do? I had done my bit? I was sweaty, annoyed at the motorists. Some concerned citizens saw what was happening. Approached the silly car driver. He had the temerity to come out of his car, walked towards me and in one of the most exaggerated American accent I had ever heard, mouthed off something. I looked away and told him he did not deserve a reply from me.


I have made reference to this incident because, seemingly, the “Americanised” driver in the other car felt he was a big man to make life easy for us all. This is the situation in Nigeria today. Everybody is a “big boy” or “big girl”. There are a lot of selfish people boasting all over the place, displaying ill gotten wealth, making deprived Nigerians on the street angry and determined that once an opportunity is made available to lead in any manner, it will not be a wasted opportunity to steal and deprive others. It is just a pathetic vicious cycle.

My solution is this. A complete reorientation of the mind set of everyone. And that includes you and I. The solution is simple. Once we get a proper understanding that it is beyond the role of the government, and that we have a role to play, we would get closer to finding a lasting solution.

The government gives you and I the impression that it is an ordeal to govern the nation Nigeria, forgetting that, Britain earned the tag “Great” by virtue of its official’s commitment to serve its people. It is about time Nigerians open up to the idea that Leaders are accountable to its people. When you think deeply, these problems can be linked to cultural values. Values that have been passed down from generation to generation. Cultural values that do not permit its citizens to question its elders. Just give it a careful thought.

Ken Davidson’s FB pals have, and are still posting comments (as at posting) on the Jos bloodbath . I can understand the emotions with which comments were made. A majority are truly concerned. This is understandable. However, where exactly do we go from here?

There were outbursts with some calling from International Military intervention, God’s Intervention, some have blamed it on Oil money, some have requested for “our own SSS and CSI”, etc, etc

One Ali Muritala Mohammed even had a pop at me, he said Jide Salu I laugh atr people like you who live in denial, putting on ear mufflers so you would not hear the truth. Nigeria is BURNING. Get that into your head…no disrespect. How else do you say Nigeria is burning…look at the ND, look at the clueless leadership, look at securtity, look at energy, look at our financial institutions, look at joblessness, look at the number of companies that have left..”

That was Ali’s reply to this comment of mine:

Jide Salu

“Incidentally, I just saw a back story report on CNN where almost 10mins was dedicated to this story. Could I just let everyone know that NIGERIA is not burning, and 2ndly, we are all responsible for what we get. I am hoping that the events of late that has generated so much emotional reaction would enable each one of all the intellectual commentators out there to go out and vote,that is if you reside in Nigeria. And for those in Diaspora,apart from writing “good stuff”, your role should be to educate all those you can influence, not to take a nonchalant attitude to the issue of voting.Not to sell votes. Who do you really think can spend time on the queue to vote? Could it be you or I? Once IDIOTS are prevented from ruling this country, then would we begin to experience a difference. If not, I am afraid you ain’t seen anything yet. Guys, its much more than grammar on FB, etc. You and I have a role to change attitudes, those that think its impossible to see a change have NO right TO COMPLAIN. Sorry, I am doing my little bit here on ground, trying to change attitude amongst those you will consider “agberos” ,touts,(yes, I do engage them). I AM TIRED OF READING GRAMMAR…sorry Ken, truth needs to be told….’am out of here…..Ken, thanks for the tag though.”

All emotive stuff.

By the end of it all, most would leave the ‘semantic arena’ applauding all the good writers and agreeing with the brilliant ideas muted. But until we become actively involved (as I will never grow tired of saying this) , another Jos would rear its ugly head, we would go through all these exchange of “jingoism”, sleep it off waking up the next day in search of another atrocity.

Watch CNN’s BackStory on Nigeria’s Sectarian Violence .

I am off.

God bless you for stopping by.