Dramatic picture of Jesus Christ in a frying pan…and the Nigerian on the Forbes’ Billionaire List

It has being an interesting week. Not with all the drama happening around one and my beloved Manchester United trouncing A C Milan. It has really been a performance.

I was at the Boat club in Lagos yesterday evening when I heard a gentleman asked aloud “what exactly is the man in the polo hat doing? ” (By the way, Happy Birthday once again to Aremo Segun Oniru, the Lagos State Commissioner for Waterfront and Infrastructure development.)

I am equally asking the same question, because to be honest, I really don’t think our acting President Goodluck knows the unique position he suddenly found himself in. I think we have long passed the stage or inaugurating one committee or the other. My take is for him to work with the same officials but with specific instructions and goals to deliver, failure to achieve would result to an immediate replacement.

Last night, I also paid the courageous Secretary to the Lagos State Government (SSG), Princess Adenrele Adeniran Ogunsanya a visit. I could not help telling her how hard working her boss, the Governor of Lagos State, together with herself and the cabinet are making Lagosians proud. She was glad to hear it and pledged to continue the hard work for the people of Lagos. This passionate strong woman of Lagos politics told me of an occurrence on her recent official visit to Canada where she was representing the Governor. Whilst she waited her turn to speak, with speaker after speaker taking turns to engage the audience, there was a particular speaker who decided to berate Nigeria before the international community making references to the notorious “Yahoo and 419” scams. Shocked and annoyed at the same time, she took it upon herself to address the points raised and spent the allotted time defending the nation. What a woman. What an opportunity. Of course she received a standing ovation.

The same can be said to many others who have such opportunities to defend our dear nation. Again, if you don’t do anything, don’t expect any change.

Dede Mabiaku

I did promise I was going to tell you of my encounter with the extra-ordinary performer and Judge to Idol West Africa, Dede ‘Onkool’ Mabiaku.  I met up with him at Albert Okumagba’s house, the host of Federal Government College Warri’s old student’s association. I must point out that Albert, Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of BGL Plc is a staunch supporter of the association and we truly appreciate him.

Courtesy of my dear friend and old school friend Victor Okolo who is a top man working on Oil rigs in Norway who drove an already tired Jide Salu to the meeting, Dede treated us to a rendition of what I can liken to Fela’s ‘yabis’ session. I call him by ‘onkool’, his pen name as a student cartoonist. I don’t know if anyone knew that Dede is also a brilliantly talented cartoonist, I don’t know if he still indulges in this talent though. Without any airs about him, told us all at the gathering how we ought to unite to help the unfortunate ones amongst us rather than monthly coming together to show off. Networking, in Dede’s words should be the order of the day, exchanging contacts with the intention of calling and helping each other. His words were truly resounding and met an approved captivated audience. This took place last Sunday. Thinking about it, it must have set the week up.

Let me end by sharing with you a story culled from UK based Daily Mail. It is the story of Toby Elles who fell asleep while cooking a late-night snack and believed he was saved by divine intervention.

The 22-year-old was ‘miraculously’ woken after an hour as his lounge filled with smoke – and quickly had the revelation that he had left a frying pan on a hob.

While saying his prayers, the bank worker scraped the remains of crispy bacon rashers from the pan, but could not believe the vision that appeared before him – Jesus Christ staring back at him.

The image, burnt into the base of the pan, shows eyes and a nose as well as the distinctive beard and long hair of the son of God.

Holy Smoke

‘It’s some kind of miracle’, the Halifax Bank cashier from Salford, Lancaster, said. His culinary efforts may have been burnt to a crisp but Mr Elles said being saved from meeting the man upstairs was well worth it.

He added: ‘I fell asleep cooking some bacon and it had burnt this face on to the pan. ‘If it wasn’t for the smoke it could have been a very bad situation, perhaps someone’s looking over me.

‘My housemates and I had a few beers earlier in the evening I thought I would snack before going to bed and as it was cooking I decided to take a rest on the couch.

‘When I woke up about an hour later the room was full of smoke.

‘Luckily we have an electric hob so I just turned off the heat, but then I lifted up the bacon and there was JC looking back at me.’

Mr Elles has said he is going to keep the ‘gift from God’ for good luck. ‘I’m not going to scrub it clean though, just in case I get struck by lightning, it’s going to take pride of place on a wall instead,’ he said.

‘It’s become quite a talking point for people who come round to the house and I have even thought I might get a glass cabinet to put it in.

“I’m going to keep it for the rest of my life, perhaps it can watch over me.”

Toby Elles?

Honestly speaking….

No comments.

But you almost fooled me….lollllll

Aliko Dangote - #463

Oh, and before I forget, on this year’s FORBES’ BILLIONAIRE LIST, Aliko Dangote is in the world’s top 500 rich list, coming in at number 463. With a net worth of $2.1 billion, billionaire businessman Alhaji Aliko Dangote is the only Nigerian that made it to this year’s listing of 500 richest men by Forbes Magazine with Femi Otedola placed 601.

Have a good weekend guys and God bless you all.