10 reasons why I am fed-up and moving out of Nigeria………

Yes, I knew you would be interested in reading this post.

I knew you would dash over to gloat and say, hehn hehn, I knew it was not going to last, all this passion and positive stuff. Some saying “I told you so, didn’t I?”.

That Jide thinks, na him get Nigeria, na im baba get am? (he owns Nigeria, does his father own Nigeria…lol)

But, guys, I am ready to disappoint you……where are you going?

How dare you click the “red cross” (to the far right corner of the page), how dare you?

In actual fact, what I meant to say was that “I can give you 10 reasons, if not more from the top of my head why I could be or ought to be fed-up and move out of Nigeria and relocate to London”. But I WILL not, and I INTEND not to. So “qMoney” (a reader), are you still disappointed? lollllll

You see, I was, and still am, aware of the challenges I was going to face and still face in Nigeria. I knew all that before relocating, but hey, I am not worrying over it.

There is no country on the planet that does not have its own peculiarities and worries. No country. You name me one and I will tell you bad news about that location.

Living a worrisome life ……

I no longer worry.


You see, when worry comes knocking on your door, stop it on the doorstep or it will move in and take up residence. That is my policy and it is working.

God cares about the things that worry you and prey upon your thoughts. He cares about them more than you do. Not one nagging, aching, worrisome, gut-wrenching, blood-pressure-raising thought escapes His notice because ‘you are his personal concern’, He watches over you day and night.

Let’s be honest with ourselves. What really qualifies as a worry?

Could it be any of these:

  • Anything that robs you of joy
  • Anything you can’t change
  • Anything you’re not responsible for
  • Anything you’re unable to control
  • Anything that torments you
  • Anything that keeps you awake when you should be asleep.
  • Unable to pay your bills
  • Unable to attract the right life partner
  • Etc

I understand. I really do. We are all in it. We may not experience all of the above, but we can conveniently tick one box or the other.

Give each worry, one by one, to God. The more you practise doing this, the more exciting your walk with Him will become. You’ll be amazed at how easily He handles things that overwhelm you. Remind yourself that He’s able to handle it, willing to handle it, and waiting for you to give it to Him. ‘Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you – (Psalm 55:22)’ Those who live worry free are those who keep casting their burdens on the Lord until it becomes as natural to them as breathing!

I have been very occupied with work and some other things which I hope to sahre with you very soon. Exciting times are felt by those that look beyond the worries of life because this planet is surely pregnant with it, either by artificial sperm insemination or otherwise. Take it from me, this world we leave in is passing through some interesting moments that would come to define what you really believe in.

Your “HOW” must be much stronger than your “WHY”. Take it from me. If not you will be cruising through life watching others partake in opportunities.

Living a Challenging life….


Guys picture this for a moment, Okay.

Imagine someone who has just arrived by air. So she has picked up her baggage. A very heavy baggage with a lot of people roaming around. She has arrived at an exotic destination for a holiday.

Now, her baggage….ok, her luggage, is very heavy, so heavy for her to carry alone.

She has a lot of options to consider and below is stated the following seven options she has:

  1. She looks and stares at her luggage
  2. She ponders as she figures how to carry the luggage into the waiting vehicle
  3. She attempts to lift the heavy luggage
  4. She does lift the luggage to a certain extent only to drop it after a few seconds
  5. She looks at passersby believing they wouldn’t help
  6. She stares at passersby expecting someone to figure out she needs help
  7. She calls out for help

The analogy above, you got it, refers to life, wherever you may reside, Nigeria, the UK, America, France, Ghana, wherever, as long as it’s on this planet.

Ladies and Gentlemen be receptive to the opportunities around you. Look and THINK outside the box.

See you at the top, there is plenty of room there. Aren’t you tired of complaining? I am. Change your position now so that you are able to be a stronger influence, and you can only do that if you think outside the box and ASSIST others.

God bless you for stopping by.

Inspired by UCB’s “Word for Today”