CNN and BBC warn of ACID rain in Nigeria…..


Instead, the scare mongering has been a result of an email (as seen below) circulating cyberspace.

Acid rain?

Acid Rain e-mail circulating cyberspace...
Acid rain explained....

The honest truth is that I did not circulate this e-mail, actually, to tell you the truth, I specially requested for e-mail be forwarded to me. Thanks Bunmi Akinsanmi for doing just that.

So, neither CNN nor BBC has warned the world of an impending deluge of acid rain o, not that they would not have been delighted that a certain country in Africa called Nigeria is finally having its own share of natural disaster.

What we have however has been an unbearable humidity that is totally stifling to say the least. For those who have experienced Harmattan weather, this is it without the slight chill. Instead, the very dense hazy weather comes with it, uncomfortable heat, and I mean severe heat that has got even the locals talking.

If it was only someone like my humble self complaining, I would have been looked at as a foreign Nigerian, and don’t assume there are no such people with this status – loads around.

Hazy sun in Lagos, Nigeria

This weather, I can only speak about my experience here in Lagos, has not been kind at all. The haze has been so dense that, on Sunday afternoon, when I spotted the sun, it appeared as a full moon. Can you just believe that?

I now take showers at every given opportunity once I get back indoors, shutting windows, believing any opening would draw in more heat. The Air Conditioner (AC) which at one point had been condemned due to irregular Power supply as I can’t run an AC on my generator, (I did initially; it ended up costing me more. In short, I remember the boilers were once powered on the poor generator as well, but no more. Boilers? What’s so called?)
So the AC has now come back to live, I was quite surprised it still works.

Do you know at one point I was beginning to think I was the only who had noticed the climatic change, not until the SilverBird Television interviewed a Meteorologist from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) yesterday. He declared that the dramatic hazy weather was due to nature at work. The news clip was too brief for me to make head or tail of what he meant.

Hazy weather, courtesy today, with its headline “Sahara dust storm linked to hazy weather” has however shed more light on this topic that has generated a lot of interest.

Modupe Ogunwale, director of Research and Training at the Nigerian Meteorological Agency has explained that the hazy weather currently observed since Saturday around Lagos and some South-western states in the last few days has been as a result of an unusual dust storm from the Sahara desert.

The Meteorologist went on to calm Lagosians in particular and also advised against panic. Though he said it was severe enough to lead to the cancellation of several flights, it could also lead to a rise in upper respiratory disease such as catarrh, cold and flu. Coincidentally, the rain which occurred on Friday (March 19) trapped the dust particles, thus causing the humidity, she said.

“This is unusual because this kind of dust storms usually occur around November/December; for it to occur in March means it is part of the climate change we are talking about.” She however said the situation may remain for a couple of more days as another dust storm was recorded in the Sahara on Sunday.

John Babatunde, a medical doctor advised residents to wear clothes that are warm as respiratory diseases are bound to be common at this time. He, especially advised parents to ensure that their wards are well dressed and covered up to prevent flu attacks.

Already Lagosians have been worried about the changing weather and especially about a phenomenon called acid rain. To this effect a text message has been circulating round town that there may be an acid rain between 20-28 March and that people should beware as the rain may cause skin cancer.

Hazy Lagos in a gridlock...courtesy of Jide Salu

Mrs. Ogunwale, however, dispels this fear. “It is not acid rain. It is because of this dust haze that we are having this kind of rain. It is not pure rain because it traps a lot of dust particles and since people collect rain water for drinking and other uses, they are advised not to drink or use this kind of rain.” The United States Environmental Protection Agency, says acid rain occurs when gases such as sulphuric acid and nitric acid react in the atmosphere with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form various acidic compounds.

Kudus to NEXT for this comprehensive report. This is what I have come to expect of such Newsprint.


Am I tempting faith with this declaration?

Why not?

Let me say that, I, Babajide Salu, have observed a noticeable improvement in Electricity Supply… my end of the woods, I hasten to declare. Asking locals, if my observation is in sync with theirs, they could only concur.

So what has suddenly changed?

I knew all along that it can be done. So why hasn’t it happened before now? I know that cynical locals attest to the fact electricity supply always improves once its getting to the end of the month. In a way, a gentle reminder, for bills to be paid. That aside, this regular supply of electricity, and when I mean regular, I mean between 9 -12 hours of uninterrupted supply of power is a mean deal here in Nigeria. Yes, I know its nothing to celebrate in the 21st century, buy hey, I live here and I have chosen to celebrate it and find more ways to maintain and improve upon this “phenomenon”. Some are saying that it is a cruel coincidence to observe that the young Power expert drafted in to handle the Power sector did not only fail spectacularly, its departure as a result of Acting President Goodluck dissolution of his Cabinet has finally brought respite to the sector. What a shame? What a legacy?

Finally guys, I have not made noise about it yet, but something is cooking. For the very observant ones amongst you would have noticed a new link on my blogroll. There is a need to “talk the talk and work the work.”

I have developed a dedicated blog that will eventually become a resource for people who are looking to change their mindset.

Does anybody know what the acronym P.O.O.R stand for? How about R.I.C.H?

Guys, the rich have a different mindset from the average man on the street. And guess what, they are poor. No, don’t start saying, “it’s not your portion” and all that stuff. It’s a reality of life.

Let me leave you with this:

How you are able to deal with a challenge not only says a lot about who you are and what is within you, it also determines what the world popularly refers to as SUCCESS.

Are you aware that –

SICKNESS is a result?

Adding WEIGHT is also a result.

ILLNESS is a result.

WEALTH is a result and finally

MONEY is definitely a result.

We live in a world of CAUSE and EFFECT.

If you want to change the FRUITS (RESULTS), you will first have to change the roots.

If you want to change the VISIBLE, you must first change the INVISIBLE (MINDSET).

More to come, for those who are looking to sack their Boss. See you at the TOP guys and God bless you for stopping by.

* A recently discovered news site – has a story on how “NASA Meteorologist clears the air on acid rain fears. Clean site. Will recommend it.