Nigeria, why we ought to do well by doing good……and on a Lighter Note…..

French scientist, Louis Pasteur, lived at a time when thousands died of rabies each year, so he worked day and night on a vaccine that could save them. Just as he was about to begin experimenting on himself, a nine-year-old boy called Joseph Meister was bitten by a rabid dog. The boy’s mother begged Pasteur to experiment on her son. Pasteur injected him for ten days and the boy lived. Decades later, of all the things Pasteur could have had etched on his headstone, he asked only for three words: Joseph Meister Lived!

Who have you lived for?

Who are you living for?

If you are honest with yourself, how would you describe Nigeria if that question was put before you? How?

Your description of Nigeria, inspite of how realistic you may think it is , is exactly what you are living.

I have been driving myself for almost 4 weeks now, on a daily basis, yes, my choice, as good drivers are now becoming extinct and do you know what I have noticed? A careless attitude to life. A desperation by motorists. A disregard for, don’t even call it high way code. High way wetin (what)?

It is extremely easy to be persuaded to become as crazy as most of these motorists are, but to whose detriment would that be? I know that I would travel the world where I would be required to drive and be civil, so I have chosen to stick to my decent driving skills. It’s challenging, but, hey, it is either that or become as crazy, if not crazi-er.

What am I saying or trying to get across here? Go out of your way to be different. Do not join the others. After all, how would you stand out from the crowd? Yes, let others laugh at your lonely voice. Just keep at it and endeavour to enrich lives that come across yours. It is no coincidence that you come across some lives.

I agree, you cannot always get it right, I mean, your decisions. But it will not be for lack of trying. Ask yourself, what is unique about you? You must be able to answer that question before you are able to utilise that gift for the benefit of others.

Can you imagine that after many many years, we are still reading and learning from the French scientist, Louis Pasteur, for his gift to Joseph Meister. What would you be remembered for?

I quite like what Bruce Burtch said, he said “do well by doing good.” Hmmmnnnn

Enough of that deep stuff…let’s have a laugh. It’s Friday, the first one of the month of February 2010. Have a good weekend. I shall be spending part of my weekend with a dear brother. Someone I quite like and have high regards for. There is just something about this guy that makes him stand out. His name is Charles O. Abraham, Group managing Director/CEO of LTC, an advertising company. Dapo, as I call him would be 50 years old and how time flies as I can still remember his 40th. I say Amen to all your prayers in Jesus name. Happy Birthday my main man, Dapo.

What a Luxurious ride for a loved one!!!
The real Hummer!!

"Hummer" Africa
Interior of "Hummer" Africa


  1. Gerard Onochie says:

    Your a shining ray of hope in an otherwise dark Nigeria. Yesterday I attended a memorial service for the late Dipo Dino ( aka DD Direct ) who was killed a few weeks ago in Fulham West London.

    I did not know this man but his wife is member of RNC which I am a member of too. Her wisdom, courage, kindness and tenacity is just incredible and so also was this late great Nigerian who decided to do what was right rather than what was wrong to be accepted. Like you once stated in a previous post, having hope is good but not doing anything about it is pointless to have hope.

    Your sense of humour is legendary. “High way wetin”…LOL

    Have a nice weekend. 🙂


  2. Baba says:

    It is no question that the direction the country is headed to is not sustainable. But while I have stopped praying for Nigeria (you cannot blame me, every other Nigerian probably prays for Nigeria), I have not given up trying to be different. People will laugh at you, taunt you and may even ridicule and blatantly abuse you, but one thing that cannot be taken away from oneself is his or her belief.

    Thanks for another great entry Mr. JSD and have a blessed weekend.


  3. NoLimit says:

    True words! I admire and totally respect your decision to do what is right…I pray more pple will walk the walk and not just talk the talk…cos talk as they say…is cheap!


  4. Jaycee says:

    I love the luxurious ride…LOL.

    But in all honesty and seriousness, if we don’t stand out for anything, then our lives are indeed in vain.

    There has to be something different about us amongst the 6 billion people of this world. Kudos in driving down there, I’m finding it hard to believe you’re maintaining civility in that crazy place 🙂 But I believe you can do it…


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