Post Valentine and an Appointment “Talking with Funmi Iyanda”

Today is February 15th and its 364 days to the Valentine 2011.

Guys, how did it all go?

In Nigeria, the Valentine Craze took another turn.

On Friday, I stopped to buy some plantains on my way home and lo and behold, I had to interrupt a Valentine related heated discussion between two girls whom you would have thought, forgive if I may say so, should have no clue or business with Saint Valentine. But, business, they made it, to prepare for the big lovers day. They were really into it and I was so sorry to interrupt them. It was so hilarious to me to think that the Valentine craze had also enraptured these road side sellers.

The restaurants I was told were packed and obviously town was painted red. This is why I like Nigeria so much, any excuse to postpone niggling thoughts and hug fun, even if it’s for a few hours.

As for wifey and I, well…. let’s just say we had a good laugh as usual.

“Talking With Funmi”

Swiftly moving away from the saint…..I was so looking forward to watching the maiden edition of TWF (Talk with Funmi) on Sunday evening, however, I got the timing wrong and only managed to catch the last 15 or so minutes.

TWF, did not disappoint, I must say.

The bit I saw with Governor Fashola explaining his government’s policies for the disabilities was captivating. I liked the fact that it was so informal and appeared so natural. I really liked that (not far from my thoughts).The concept for TWF is brilliant. As Ignite Production, the production company behind the programme in a press release pointed out. “It was a sojourn around Nigeria for Funmi, capturing people of various ethnic colours and their conversations around and about Nigeria”.

Ignite Production went on to say that TWF is meant to “provoke discourses on Nigerian life, illuminate and entertain at the same time, as it manifests the Nigerian life in a Nigerian environment”.

As Funmi Iyanda journeys from state to state all over Nigeria talking with people from all spheres of life, TWF thus captures discussions that range from the hard hitting stories of our time to the everyday challenges of Nigerian life sprinkled with some light-hearted banter and fun along the way.

It is as natural as it gets, as Funmi gets to talk to people everywhere, from ordinary citizens going about their business to celebrities in unusual but natural settings.

Funmi Iyanda

I thought the production was high spec, no quality was spared and having read her diary from her blog, you could see that a lot had gone into this production. I am really looking forward to subsequent editions. I am all for celebrating success. Well done to you Funmi and see you at the top as there is still plenty of room left.

Nigerian viewers can watch “Talk with Funmi” on African Magic Channel – a satellite channel on DSTV – on Sunday at 6pm.

On life generally….

Well, what can I say…we thank God. Many are complaining about the economy which is at a standstill. Many, especially the bankers, are not happy with the way the Central Bank Governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi has gone about tackling the crippling economy issues. “At least”, many pointed out, “Soludo (immediate past CBN Gov.) knew of the situation, but managed it in way that allowed business to go on as usual.”

I must say though, business is really at a standstill. The oil marketers are screaming at lack of loans. There is a shortage of cash in circulation, hence price of properties are crashing. Don’t even go there, I mean with shares. They have crashed, and I mean crashed.

What else? You know…. Nigerians can be so resilient to a fault. You hear statements such as “it is well,” “God dey”, etc. And life really just continues.

The problem with this is that, there are so many cracks covered up. If you ask me what the solution is, my answer will be that I simply don’t have an answer.

Except, to continue to do my best, influencing those under me, so to say, and work very hard at increasing my sphere of influence.

It can be very dizzy when I think deeply of the situation at hand, but, hey life continues.

“Speak” later guys.

God bless.


  1. Lara says:

    I Love Funmi and was following her former show “New Dawn”, She is one of Nigeria’s finest presenters.


  2. Joseph Ekwu says:

    This is an interesting piece, I love Funmi too, I have a post on my blog where Sanusi made some shocking revelation of whats true about Nigeria and for once I believed him..

    I know the best would come to Nigeria soon as Goodluck is on the seat…wishing you guys good luck.

    Welldone Jide…how are you?


  3. LusciousRon says:

    I love Funmi! I hope things do get better and the ‘radicalization’ of the banks brings good not crippling effects. I so wish Nigerians would get over the Valentine’s day craze!


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