Sometimes God doesn’t make sense….

How I wish this quote was thought of by my humble self, however the credit must go to Pastor Emeka Nwankwo.

Oh yes, Sunday Nuggets. It’s been quite a while now.

Anyway, Pastor E, as I fondly call him, in his sermon yesterday titled, “The God of Gideon” with reference to Judges 7 in the bible (the book of all books) pointed out that “sometimes God doesn’t make sense”. I quite agree with him you know.

Just don’t go there, with all that religious blasphemy mumbo jumbo. It wouldn’t wash with me.

All am’ trying to get across, that is to those who just can’t be patient with me (and thanks to you if you are not in the slightest offended) is that, let’s be honest, God is the master planner. He sees it all, doesn’t he? What he sees ahead, you don’t. What you have pre-determined to do, he most definitely would have seen the end and would lead you (that is if you can hear him because of the relationship you have) otherwise if it will get you to where he wants you to be. Agreed?

Ok. But in our limited vision, because we can’t see what God sees, we therefore conclude that God doesn’t make sense. And in this nonsense that we can’t see is pregnant with all the sense we would eventually see. Do you get my point? Pheeww!!

Pastor E went on to ask if “we want him (that is God) to make sense or for him to make it happen?” I thought that was a thought provoking Q.

Its worth reading Judges 7 and ponder how God gave Gideo victory against the Midianites. Now commonsense would prevail on a large battalion of army equipped to fight a war against the “Midianites and the Amalekites and all the other eastern peoples that had settled in the valley and as thick as locusts, so many that their camels could no more be counted than the sand on the seashore” to win a war. Would it?

However, God thought and said otherwise. He categorically told Gideo that “the people who are with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands”. Can you just imagine that? Commonsense would have said these people were not enough, not too few. Or what do you think?

If Gideo had not developed a relationship with God Almighty, he would have been casting out demons precisely at that point.

The bible has it that, out of about 32,000 people considered for war, God opted for a mere 300 to fight this battle. God did not only drastically reduce the number, he also equipped them, not with rifles or atomic bombs, but, guess what? These guys went to war with “trumpets and empty jars in the hands of all of them and with torches inside.” How comfortable would you be with just that idea? How in the world does that make sense? You tell me. Guys that is God for you. this is how he operates. When you are expected to fight a battle and it doesn’t make sense, know God Almighty is at play and about to surprise you.

It was God that said to Gideon, “With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands”. Well, Gideo had the victory, but even he needed some convincing.

So in Pastor Emeka’s words, “the miracle that is yet to be manifested is done and all that is required of us is to raise our level of faith to get it.”

I thought the sermon was so uplifting and believing.

I will leave you to take a breather and go over what you have just read and make sure you read Judges 7 for a better grasp of references.

No matter, I repeat, no matter what you may be going through, take it from me, you have to pass through it first. And as it gets hotter, it means, the cooking is almost done, soon to be enjoyed.

Have a brilliant week ahead because I will.

God bless you for stopping by.


  1. NT says:

    Thought provoking 🙂


  2. Dammy says:

    This is thought provoking.
    His stupidity is sensible than our wisdom.


    1. babajidesalu says:

      Such a profound statement. So profound. Thanks Dammy. Thank you.


  3. Gerard Onochie says:

    Ok Jide I have to read Judges before I can comment, but I already know I will agree with your points raised. I have always thought God as the old saying goes works in mysterious ways. Its good to have “sunday nuggets” back.


  4. Homie GFunk says:

    Just in line with what I’ve been reading in II Chron 20. God told Jehoshaphat not to worry about fighting against the enemies of Israel. All they had to do was stand and see God move. Now that doesn’t make sense, but the battle is the Lord’s!


  5. Sammy says:

    This piece is soul lifting if given a deep thought.One must indeed pass thru to breakthru so all that is needed at passing thru period is sustaining Grace.
    God bless u sir for sharing this.


  6. rethots says:

    God’s ways simply cannot be comprehended, no wonder He says, His ways are not our ways….


  7. BBG says:

    Thank you so much for this. Just what I needed to hear at this very stage in my life. God bless!


  8. Jaycee says:

    I totally agree with you Jide. He doesn’t make sense most times, but because we trust His sovereignty and when we have a relationship with Him, we find ourselves moving when He says we should move…because deep inside us, we know He’s right. Now, this Gideon story is absolutely senseless. LOL. Thanks for sharing.


  9. joicee says:

    Thanks man for these sunday nuggets ..Im definitely reading Judges 7 tonight!


  10. Miss M says:

    Thanks for sharing:)


  11. Femme Lounge says:

    interesting one! sure many people can relate with it


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